Saturday, December 29, 2012

Many Thanks!

'Tis the season for gifting! Whether you're lucky enough to receive a thoughtful gift or 2 from a gracious neighbor (like us) or received a nice sweater from your long distance, twice removed aunt for Christmas, it's always just as thoughtful to share a "thank you." When receiving gifts for holidays and birthdays, it's always especially kind to pick up the telephone and share a few words of gratitude with the gift's purchaser. Grandmothers adore getting phone calls from distant grandchildren that they don't see as frequently..and of course, it reassures all that the package DID in fact make it to your door ;)

For the socially media savvy, does a "thank you" on Facebook suffice? Depends. How formal was the gift? We personally like to recommend an old fashioned note or call at all times...but again, it does depend on preference!

When it comes to events like weddings, however, we truly like to see hand written thank you notes for each and every present. I know, you may think, "that's over 300 hand written notes!!" BUT, think of it like this, that's OVER 300 people who thought highly enough of you and your betrothed to shower you with a all means, shower them with your gratitude-and autograph! It doesn't matter what kind of stationary you pick (although we LOVE the monogrammed personal touches),  as long as you send a note. *

Unsure what to write? I'm reminded of  the old Television station days-include the W's-Who, What, When, Where, and Why?

For example:

Dear Catherine (Who),
Thank you so much for the great bottle of wine (What) that you gave us to celebrate our wedding (When/What Occasion)! It was such a great gesture, and we plan to enjoy the bottle on first anniversary (Where-How you might use the gift, when appropriate). We LOVE trying new wines, and this certainly indulges this love, and provides such a treat! (Why). We are so grateful for your thoughtfulness, and hope to see you again very soon.

Looking for other ideas? Feel free to shoot us an e-mail or message via Facebook or Twitter (@lettienicole). Or, simply drop us a hand-written note, and we'd be more than happy to help..just don't forget the W's :)

Happy Celebrating,

Lettie Nicole

*LNE tip to assist sending Wedding "Thank-You's" in a timely manner- Pre-print a list mailing labels with all wedding guests' addresses. (You can do this from your wedding guest list address tab if you are keeping this through something like Microsoft Excel). That way, all you'll have to do is write the note and slap your already printed mailing label onto the envelope after the wedding. If you're using the same spreadsheet (which often couples do) to generate lists for showers, etc..Just print an extra copy of the person's address onto a label before each shower. That way, again, you'll only have the note to write. We also are BIG fans of Return Address Stamps! They are cute, save time, and add a bit of "OOMPH" to an everyday envelope! For more tips and tricks to make your Wedding process a bit easier, please contact us for complimentary consultation and pricing.

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